Don't plug the Coda gallery on our published pages?

I love Coda, but I find the floating Coda gallery buttons to be too obtrusive.

I’m always tempted to share the non-published version of docs to avoid this, but I don’t really want people poking around in the hidden pages that I use to update and manage the doc.

Coda, I think the best way for you to publicize Coda is to let us make the best possible docs, and the floating paraphernalia seem pretty retro, in my opinion—like those old social share buttons that used to appear on a bunch of blogs.

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any updates on this? Is there options to disable this now?

This is gone if the doc is published on a custom domain or subdomain and you access it like that and not through the So unless you already have one, you can get a free or dirt cheap domain and connect it to your doc.

The other option is to serve the doc through Cloakist but that’s the 3rd party service that’s gonna cost the extra $10/mo.

Other than these, I don’t know of a way to remove that block from a published doc.