I’ve seen this asked a few times however putting in the Gallery link back to Coda on published docs defeats the purpose of building a doc into an app and/or publishing a site etc especially when we are on an enterprise plan spending what will likely be $100’s of thousands per year over time with Coda. It doesn’t seem that the Coda team is taking this one seriously however a remove the Gallery link from published docs is important especially to enterprise plans.
Please address.
Hey Glenn, thanks for the feedback, and welcome. You should have had someone on your account team reach out directly, but let us know if you haven’t received anything yet. Thanks!
I did hear that this is being escallated. Thank You. Seems like it has been a regular ask but not sure if it was related to free or personal accounts. For enterprise seems like this should be a standard feature for a doc.
All tiers need this turned off!
Likely every second user who opens published doc or Coda app or Coda on desktop in the first 1-2 days of their Coda use writes me an irritated message like “… I am here in this page but how to get back to the doc?”