"Gallery" link in upper left corner of shared documents

Is there a way to remove the “Gallery” link from the upper left corner of shared documents? If not available on the free plan, I’m at least hoping this is an option with the paid plan. It’s confusing for the people I share the document with and I find myself still used Notion for shared documents to avoid this issue.

Hey @Jessica_Graham ! Thanks for reaching out. While this is not possible at this time, this sounds like a feature request the Coda team has been tracking. That said, we have moved this post into the Suggestion Box for other members of the Community to chime in on this. We’ve gone ahead and tracked your vote for this feature formally.

Ok thank you for letting me know. I can understand it having to be there for free plans, but I feel like there should be an option to turn it off on paid plans. It’s one of the few things keeping me from using Coda exclusively.