Sharing coda docs

Hi all! I have this doc. I want to be able to share it in a way that allows people to view and click buttons but not edit the doc.

When I share the doc as anyone with a link can view all the buttons are disabled and it doesn’t work.

Is there a way to do this? Do people need to sign into google first to use the doc? Again, I don’t need people to be able to edit content just select drop downs and filter.

Dear @anon17146087

Welcome to the community :handshake:

Unfortunately the answer is depending on several factors:

  • The options you have depends on your account type, as different levels give different possibilities.

Did you check out this?
The workspaces are one of the options to decide who can see what and next to it content can also be made available / hidden with user()

There is quite a lot of documentation available, I suggest to start checking out and test with some very small instances and when you catch the crisp you will be able to extend.