Hi i am looking for a smart way to implement a dependency selection which will compare a selection with a table columns name and print values to a dropdown…
I created a demo here:
Hope you have some tipps for me.
Hi i am looking for a smart way to implement a dependency selection which will compare a selection with a table columns name and print values to a dropdown…
I created a demo here:
Hope you have some tipps for me.
Hi @Stefan and welcome in the community
For what i know there are no way to do formulas that deals with columns name, so you cannot check those…
I would solve your problem using formulas that take data directly from your table into the select list of dropdowns, remember that you can get those using a filter (ex. table.filter(category=chosencategory)) and then extract data from the filtered row adding .columnname (ex. subcategory available)
But this require a change in your schema because all option should be in one table, something like
Category // Subcategory
Cat.a. // SCA1,SCA2
Cat.b // SCB1,SCB2,SCB3
Actually to be honest the “Subcategory” column could be a lookup to another table but it’s not mandatory
If you need any other help i’m here
Thanks for your feedback. I changed the CategorySelection
table as you mentioned (if i understand it in the right way). I separated the values with split
but how can i select only the values from CategoryA
and not from CategoryB
? Is there any select first row
or first column
And i still got the issue to get the values from CategoryA
table in the Result
Column … how is the connection from CategoryA
table to the Plan
Info: You can feel free for editing or adding notes in the coda example.
The Result
formula Plan.Filter(thisRow.CategoryA=CategoryA)
The CategoryA
formula Split(CategorySelection.Subcategory,",")
Update: I restarted everything from scratch for a better understanding. This feedback was helpfully but not the greatest coda way. Anyway thank you @Mario for the input
Hey @Stefan sorry for the late reply, i get the notifications only when you tagged me
Are you comfortable with your solution or you want to see together the other proposal?
In case, i think that split is not the best formula to use and columns of referenced rows can be “extracted” using thatrow.columnwanted, maybe referencing from another row from the same table you are using!
It’s a setup that i use heavily so i think that is well supported and it works in most cases, but the most important thing at the end of the day is to feel well the tools in your hand, so if you find better or more suited to your usage ones, those are the one to use