Hi Connor!
Thank you! I think this is working better, though I still get the error “Missing text for notify”. Not sure what to do about that. Any ideas?
Hi Connor!
Thank you! I think this is working better, though I still get the error “Missing text for notify”. Not sure what to do about that. Any ideas?
No idea. Try converting Task.ToText()
Did this work for you?
It didn’t. I put this to the side for a moment but I would like to get back to it. Not sure how to solve this issue though…
Thank you for following up!
Hi @Sabriel_Parker ,
if you could share your doc - or reproduce its behaviour in a sample - it might help to dig into.
Thank you!
Here’s the URL…not sure if that works for you. I’m trying to add this to the ‘To Do’ table. https://coda.io/d/Working-Copy-of-Third-Sun-Workspace_dRsw_yr57cI/Sabriel_su4F1#_luyuQ
Thank you for your help!
Hi @Sabriel_Parker ,
I asked for permissions: you can set it on the “share” top-right button and give “edit” access.
Thank you!
Permission granted!
Thanks for your help!
Hi @Sabriel_Parker,
I added
Is To Be Notified
(containing the filtering logic within the table)Notify
(containing the logic of the notification itself)This way you can decouple with the different logics and play around with the notification(s).
At that point, you just set a notification that “pushes” the button and it’s done!
Please, let me know if this makes sense for you or if you have any additional question.
Hello Federico!
I have the same problem as Sabriel did, with this error “Missing text for notify”. I see that you’ve decided it, but I couldn’t retry it as i don’t see the logic. Could you please help me with this?
Hey, @Al_Chen_Coda! In Notion I could just type forward slash reminder (/reminder), choose the date and time, and then type “@username” and the user would automatically receive a notification on the day. Can I do that in Coda? See some screenshot below:
Hi @Susan_Suzart, unfortunately this functionality doesn’t exist in Coda yet.
Hi, @Al_Chen_Coda! Thanks for your answer Is this something you are planning to develop in the near future?
Unfortunately I don’t know . There are ways to mimic that feature in Notion given the solutions mentioned earlier in this thread, however.
Where does the notification send?