Due date reminders / notifications

Hi Connor!

Thank you! I think this is working better, though I still get the error “Missing text for notify”. Not sure what to do about that. Any ideas?

No idea. Try converting Task.ToText()?

Did this work for you?

It didn’t. I put this to the side for a moment but I would like to get back to it. Not sure how to solve this issue though…

Thank you for following up!

Hi @Sabriel_Parker ,
if you could share your doc - or reproduce its behaviour in a sample - it might help to dig into.

Thank you!

Here’s the URL…not sure if that works for you. I’m trying to add this to the ‘To Do’ table. https://coda.io/d/Working-Copy-of-Third-Sun-Workspace_dRsw_yr57cI/Sabriel_su4F1#_luyuQ

Thank you for your help!

Hi @Sabriel_Parker ,
I asked for permissions: you can set it on the “share” top-right button and give “edit” access.

Thank you!

Permission granted!

Thanks for your help!

Hi @Sabriel_Parker,

I added

  • a column: Is To Be Notified (containing the filtering logic within the table)
  • a button: Notify (containing the logic of the notification itself)

This way you can decouple with the different logics and play around with the notification(s).
At that point, you just set a notification that “pushes” the button and it’s done!

Please, let me know if this makes sense for you or if you have any additional question.


Hello Federico!
I have the same problem as Sabriel did, with this error “Missing text for notify”. I see that you’ve decided it, but I couldn’t retry it as i don’t see the logic. Could you please help me with this?

Hey, @Al_Chen_Coda! In Notion I could just type forward slash reminder (/reminder), choose the date and time, and then type “@username” and the user would automatically receive a notification on the day. Can I do that in Coda? See some screenshot below:

Screenshot 2023-10-26 111217

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Hi @Susan_Suzart, unfortunately this functionality doesn’t exist in Coda yet.

Hi, @Al_Chen_Coda! Thanks for your answer :blush: Is this something you are planning to develop in the near future?

Unfortunately I don’t know :grimacing:. There are ways to mimic that feature in Notion given the solutions mentioned earlier in this thread, however.

Where does the notification send?