Duration between two dates with anything over 7 days showing as weeks

Hi friends!

I’m brand new to Coda switching over from Notion for my event rental business!

My pricing is based on rental lengths and there is a slight discount for renting for a week or more. So I would like to calculate the duration between two date columns - the start date and the end date. I’ve got this part working using [thisRow.End Date - thisRow.Start Date].

My question is, is there a way to have the output show as “X days” if it’s 6 days or less and as “X Weeks, X Days” if it is 7 days or more?

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Hi Caitlyn,

Welcome to the community! As someone who also switched from Notion a few years ago, I’m pretty sure you won’t regret it

I’m afraid the biggest time unit for ‘Duration’ columns is ‘Days’, so not possible to define weeks there.

But fear not! This is Coda and there’s a work around for almost anything. The only downside is that in my demo, the duration in weeks is only a text, so you can’t do calculations with it and should be used only for display.

Hope this helps,



As a person whose work relies heavily on measuring the length of a pregnancy, the option for “weeks, days” would be amazing.

hi @Caitlyn_Fitzgerald ,

a variation on the @Pablo_DV contribution is this (outputting the same values):

  thisRow.Duration < 7, thisRow.Duration,
  Format("{1} {2} {3}",
   Floor(thisRow.Duration / 7),
    If(Floor(thisRow.Duration / 7) = 1,
   thisRow.Duration.Remainder(7) = 0,"",
   thisRow.Duration.Remainder(7) = 1,
   Concatenate("1 day"),
   Concatenate(thisRow.Duration.Remainder(7),' days'))))

I was wondering about splitting up longer periods in months, weeks and days. The base logic goes like this for display reasons only.

  thisRow.Duration < 7, thisRow.Duration,
  thisRow.Duration <    thisRow.Date1.RelativeDate(1) - thisRow.Date1,
  "day and week logic",
  "day, week and months logic")

Cheers, Christiaan


You could also check out my pack Delta Date!

Here’s a working example for your use-case :pray:


Thank you so much! I will definitely check this out!

Thank you so much @Pablo_DV @Christiaan_Huizer! I appreciate you taking the time!