Essentially, I have an excel file with 2000+ retailers/brands from across the country. I have an excel file with 170+ cities, and all of the retailers in those cities.
I am trying to figure out how to copy & paste the retailers into the cities they’re in, so I can later filter all of the cities by certain retailers.
For example, if I want to see all of these cities with an ALDI in them, I’d want to just filter by cities with in Aldi.
Not sure how to do this, tried a few different ways but kept running into roadblocks.
I quickly created an example for you how a clean data structure should look like. You basically only need two tables: “Cities” and “Retailers”. You can then add the different cities to the different retailers, or the other way around.
Here is the example:
Please let me know if:
the example I created is what you want to achieve
it is possible for you to create this structure with your existing date
Thank you for this! It is definitely cleaner than what I had.
Quick question - if some of these cities have 200+ Retailers, do I have to manually add 200 rather than being able to copy & paste the cells from Excel into Coda?
That depends on the structure of your Excel-files.
There is probably no need to do a lot of manual adjustments if you import the data correctly and then set it up correctly in Coda.
If I had more time, I would help you with the transfer…