Embed a Coda Page into another Coda Page

I have created a company todo management system and am super excited because my coworkers are actually interested in using it and are invested by giving me feedback for changes, and usually those changes are better for everyone, and its great!

But… now that it has been a month or so in… I find that users want have a different dashboard than others.

My solution is:

(1) Each user gets their own sub-dashboard that is styled to their workflow.


  • Dashboard
    • User 1 Dashboard
    • User 2 Dashboard
    • User 3 Dashboard

(2) OR… Each workflow is given a name so anyone can use it.

  • Dashboard
    • Plan Your Day
    • All Tasks

(2) What I would like is, to have is the following… when people click on Dashboard, they see a different interactive coda page based on their choice. I will create a table named “Dashboard Pages” and each will have a name and a link to the page that exists in “Backend [Ignore]”. I will then save each users preference using the “table for user filters” method where there is a lookup column that lets them select which Dashboard page they want to use for themselves. Then in Dashboard I have a formula that says

=Embed(TableForUserFilters.Filter(User = User()).WhichDashboard.First().EmbedUrl)


  • Dashboard
  • Backend [Ignore]
    • Plan Your Day
    • All Tasks

Is this possible?

In 2019 someone wrote: “I was able to use the new iframe sharing function to “share” the Coda doc and embed it in the dashboard doc, but the controls can’t be manipulated.”

When I try to embed a coda in a coda, I don’t even get the non-manipulatable version, it just says something about a circular reference.

  • I have used the Share > Embed > Copy Embed link and it is not working either (same Recursive Doc Embed message)
  • I have made sure I am linking to another page than the current page, but they are within the same doc.

I don’t know the solution but glad to know that someone having the same problem

*following the thread

Hi Coda team, any news on this ?

Hi Victor,

What are you trying to achieve?

Rambling Pete

Hi Piet,
I’m trying to embed elemnets of a Coda doc into another one which is published. Cross-doc has limitations and doesn’t keep the formatting of the canvas columns content. embedding is clunky and unwanted elements are everywhere (coda branding, login button, etc…)

HI Victor,

You can also search the gallery for Paul Danyliuk’s enhanced cross doc pack.


Thanks. I was aware of the pack. Looks like a complicated process for me as I’m new to Coda. WIll try it.

It turns out that you cannot share the embed page of another dock, if there is no access to the source doc, which makes the idea of embed pages somewhat meaningless, since there is access to all content of the source doc that you did not want to give.