Epic Link and Epic Name data columns are coming in blank

My data pulled from Jira is mostly showing up correctly, but I’m missing a very important column - the epic name / epic link entries are coming in entirely blank.

I don’t know if it matters or not, but I’m using one of Jira’s “Next-Generation” templates, as opposed to “Classic” - I suppose I’ll try importing a classic project shortly and see if this helps my various problems.

Hey Keith!

Would it be possible for you to embed your doc here for us to take a look at that? If your doc is sensitive feel free to write in to the support team directly from the question mark in the bottom right hand of the Coda app.

This information should be captured so if it’s not we’ll need to look at your specific doc. :slight_smile:


Sure! I’ll see if I can replicate the issue on a non-sensitive Jira project later this evening. Thanks!

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Ok - recreated a “next-gen Jira Project” without any proprietary info, and am running into the same issue:
Here is what the jira project looks like:

And if you go look at this coda in which it is imported, you’ll notice that none of the epic information propagates correctly.

Hi @Keith_Guerrette,

I was able to reproduce the issue on our side as well. The root cause has to do with how the Jira API returns back Epic information in Next Generation Projects.

I deployed a code change to the Jira pack this morning, and tweaked the Epic Name column for the doc included above.

1.Issue now has a new field called Parent. For Next Gen Projects with Epics this happens to be the Epic associated with the issue.
2. For other project types, this could be the Story, or even another Issue if an explicit parent-child relationship is setup in Jira.

Formula for the Epic Name column: thisRow.Issue.Parent.

Does this help?



That’s one of the reasons I’m not using “next-gen” yet, besides not working well with classic projects.
I loved the “roadmap feature” delivered, but both integration (APIs and next-gen x classic) made me stay away.
Using Google sheets (and now Coda) is the way to go to get the best from JIRA and report properly, imho.

I’m running into the same issue. I’m trying to lookup issues based off of the Epic/Parent, but there doesn’t seem to be a way to do it. @harisiva Is it possible to do the same you did for Epic Name mapping it to Parent, but for Epic url to be mapped to Parent Link? I’m thinking than I can do a lookup matching parent link to issue link.

I’m having a problem related to this thread so thought I’d attach it here vs. starting a new thread.

I’m trying to setup my Issues table (which is what is imported from Jira) so that every issue that has an Epic will also have a value in a column representing its Epic’s Name.

I have added the “Epic Name” and “Epic Link” columns to the table and I’ve created a column called “Issue’s Epic Name” with the following formula:

if(thisRow.[Epic Link].IsBlank().Not(),Filter(Issues,Key=[Epic Link] ).First().[Epic Name], thisRow.[Epic Name])

Where the true-condition is being fired, I’m getting the following error:

_DEREF expects parameter input to be either a row from an unknown table or a list of rows from an unknown table, but found value (‘’), which is an unknown value.

I’ve narrowed this down to the filter not returning any results.

I’ve tried various string matching formulas (regexmatch, startswith, etc.) to get Key to match Epic Link but it doesn’t seem to work. I’ve tested a filter matching key to a hardcoded string and that worked.

What am I missing?

Thanks in advance!

I was missing a “thisRow” reference… :confused:

if(thisRow.[Epic Link].IsBlank().Not(),Filter(Issues,Key=thisRow.[Epic Link]), thisRow.[Epic Name])

That works.

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Thank you for following up with the solution here!

It will help others and is very much appreciated!

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@Thomas_Robbs1 Are you using a Next Gen project? I still have this issue since the Epic fields aren’t populated for Next-Gen projects. That’s why @harisiva created a new field called Parent. However, what’s missing is the Parent Link, which is the equivalent to Epic Link for Next-Gen projects.

@Franklins sorry for the late reply, but no, I was not using a Next Gen project.

TBH, I find the Next Gen projects to be lacking if you’re experienced with Jira’s “classic” projects and are comfortable in a Scrum or Kanban process. If you would classify yourself as the same, then I’d suggest just moving to a Classic project as you’ll find less issues with the limitations of Next Gen projects.

Hi everyone,

It looks like this issue is still running :confused:
Has anyone had solutions on that ?

Hi, can someone help with this issue. there is no work around for this and the info means alot for my project, thanks!!