first time posting in here as I couldn’t find a solution.
Basically, I want to build an event registration doc. That’s in itself super easy via table and a form.
However, here’s the question:
Is there a way for participants (that only see the form but don’t have access to the table) to change their registration - e.g. different arrival date, change from “attending” to “not attending” via the form. Without them having to send over a completely new form?
Similar to e.g. a google-form where you can edit your answers.
Hey Klaus! We currently do not have a way to revise or edit a form submission. Sorry for the limitation. I went ahead and added a feature request for this. Thanks for the feedback!
Even though this is not supported, there is a work around through automations. When someone has submitted a form and later submits the form again, but for example with a different time or a cancel option ticked, you can have an automation check if there is already a row for this participant. Have the automation delete this row and only save the new row (with a new time). If the cancel option has been ticked, delete the old row(s) and the new one too.
Caveat is that the submitter has to use the exact same name to find older rows (or an ID number, email address or something similar. If there is a risk of abusing this, you could, for example, confirm the submissions with a unique ID number and allow only with this ID number registrations to be altered (or deleted).
It’s a bit of work to setup, but it works.