Expand View - 5 columns / more customizable views


does anyone knows a trick to make the “Expand View” of a row more customizable? Things like 5 or more columns would be nice, or even a fully customizable grid.

Did a little search in the packs, but didn’t find anything there…

Thx. :slight_smile:

Hey @Isebar_DE,

Great question. Do you mind sharing a screenshot or a mock up doc of what you are looking to achieve, that would help us be able to get on the same page with you and see if it is indeed possible. Let us know when you can.


@Dan_Demers like this as an example:

Hi @Isebar_DE, thanks! It sounds like editing the row layout is what you’re looking for. Here’s a help article on that.
If I’ve misunderstood, let me know!

Hi, the article could not answer, how i can create something like this:

or lets say, i want to have five or ten columns in one row. How do i do that?