Feature: A new Timeline

Hello Coda team,

I am missing a crucial feature in Coda and I feel like there’s a bunch of users feeling the same.
It’s about the ability to view entries in a timeline one after another, instead of under each other, to save space and scrolling.

@Fran_Vidicek did a great sketch:

I think this feature request might be very scattered in different places with different names because it’s difficult to find a term for such a feature. Some call it „multiple lines per row“ others „sequences / sequential timeline“ or „historical data“.
(It’s not like: “Subitems” or “Milestones” with a distinct name)

With this post, I’m trying to collect this feature request in one spot.
Here’s a few posts from others I could find in a quick search:

etc …

Also: Not a dedicated topic but mentions of the need of a sequential timeline in different threads:

etc …

Is a sequential timeline something Coda is considering?


Almost every time I use timeline this :point_up_2: is a required layout.


for me, it’s the same. I RARELY have a table with just 15 items or so. More than 15 and this timeline becomes less and less usable, having to scroll so much.


Yes, this would make the Timeline view much more usable. For tracking anything of any complexity, this gets unusable very quickly. Airtable’s timeline view works as I’d expect with items collapsing upwards when they don’t overlap with the previous event.

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Current workaround using @Leandro_Zubrezki 's Mermaid Pack


OMG Yes! :star_struck:

That will lower the pain massively. :sweat_smile:

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Hi @Konrad_Mertner letting you know subitems has now launched, and is available in a timeline view. Feel free to contact our support team with any questions, and we’re happy to help.

Hi @Katy_Turner , for a moment I had hopes it’s the feature I’m mentioning in this thread, but unfortunately it has absolutely nothing to do with sequential entries in a timeline.

Do you know of any plans of implementing this feature?
There’s just soooooo many topics about that but not a single response from Coda on that.

@Pablo_DV mentioned a workaround but it lacks relations and two-way edits, so there’s definitely a need for multi-item support.