I use timelines a lot (to manage 10s to 100s of tasks under multiple parallel projects). With many tasks, having 1 task per line becomes unusable to view and plan (as the view extends vertically down the page and it’s impossible to view that many items at once on the screen).
I would love an alternative timeline view (or option) that displays only the item bars and labels, more than 1 per line, each of which can be hovered or clicked to open in pop-up or side view. This allows multiple groups of sequential tasks (or streams) to be viewed in a compact and usable fashion. Other than Monday.com, I haven’t seen any online software do this, which makes me resort to excel with merge cells to do any project planning.
YES! Please! Desperately need this for planning our roadmap.
The higher-ups prefer to see it in timeline view but not if they have to scroll forever.
I don’t need to see the project title on the left and on the gantt bar, so having other projects jump up to the line above if there’s nothing above it would be great.
I could see it being called something like ‘collapsed timeline view’.
MS Project does something like this - you can choose which items to add to the timeline, and then you can move them around to display the information graphically in a way that makes sense. Would love to see that here as well.
Besides Monday.com, Koppla is another tool capable of that.
I’d love to see Coda implement sequential events per row as well since coda is more flexible and I prefer using it.
Sadly for me, the current implementation makes timeline views unusable since I also need to see more items in relation to each other without scrolling
Yes I’m dying to see this as well in Coda. It’s the only timeline thing I have to keep outside Coda because it’s too cumbersome to have separate rows for something like this
Is there any input from Coda decision makers? Is it being considered or not?
We’re at the verge of switching to Coda to use it as a main tool for a 25 mio. € project with several external users. If that works well, we want to roll it out in all our projects. Not having sequential timelines would be a show stopper for us.
I am not privy to Coda’s internal plans, but I have not seen anything in public discussions.
I also do not see a way to get this done in the current architecture. A Coda Timeline is a view of a table, where each row has a single start and single end day.
I dont see the need for a whole new architecture, but I’m also not involved into the development of coda.
That said, isn’t it just a grouping thing?
A group can have multiple rows which can have multiple start and end Dates.
So the architecture to have multiple values of the same kind assigned to a single element, already does exist.
so in @Ross_Chehayeb1 example, “Content Improvements”, “Bug Fixes”, “Text-To-Speech”… would be all assigned to “Eng Lane 1”
The calendar view essentially already is a sequential timeline but split into columns of days or weeks.
So the architecture already exists in codas backend, if it was an issue to begin with…
Everything we’re asking for, is a calendar view but horizontally, without being split into columns.
I have not tried this myself yet, but I think you could hack together something similar using the gannt chart of the Mermaid pack in compact mode. It won’t be interactive, but hey, it’s something.
That’s a great pack! But the compact mode can be switched on in a JSON (?) for every chart which the mermaid-pack does not offer access to. Am I right?
I feel like there’s a bunch of threads requesting this exact feature, but with different names.
Here’s a collection of threads I could find about this topic: