Filter not working

I have two controls on a table. One control is a select for Active, Expired, All. It filters the table based on a check box column. It works just fine by itself.

The second one is a date selector tied to the expiration date in the table. It also works just fine by itself.

I have these same two exact things on another table. I copied and pasted them from the other table, updated all the names. On the other table when I put both filters on I can filter by status and dates. Everything I select works fine.

But in this new table both filters work independently and do exactly as they should. But when both are put together with AND then they do not work right. It is completely ignoring one of the filters.

Ideas? How do you troubleshoot something that works by itself but refuses to work when each filter is added separately and joined with AND?

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Dear @Susan_M_Davis,

Welcome to the community!

When you copy / paste the “multiple/single select” the formula will not be updated, meaning that your copied version will reference to the 1st table.

When you right-click on it you can update from what table the “multiple/single select” has to take it’s information.

As you can see in the markings below, from where the select his taking it’s info :point_down:

Right. I copied it changed it, it worked. I then copied and pasted the working filter to notepad. I did the same thing for the second filter. It worked. But when I put both filters in with AND then one of the 2 isn’t working.

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Dear @Susan_M_Davis,

Quite difficult to guess, the best would be it you shared a dummy copy of your doc to review. :thinking:

I have a similar issue! In the same table with multiple filters it stopped working! Individually they worked

Even the filter by itself doesnt work

I have seen issues with checkboxes in filters, sometimes they work with isblank isnotblank but if you then use that filter with another filter it doesnt work. So ive started testing my checkboxes for true or isnotblank or false or isblank. That seems to work better. So see what kind of column you are filtering. If its a checkbox try changing the condition.

Hi @wicleansoon_wicleansoon :blush: ! And Welcome to the Community :partying_face: !

It will be very hard to help you with this without sample/mock-up doc of your actual setup :blush: (so we can take a look and help you out) …
Would you mind sharing one or at the very least a screenshot of the problematic formula(s) ?