Filtering out all "doublons" from a table

Hey! Welcome to the community!

Multiple ways to approach this: the correct one, the quick one, and the solid one :slight_smile:

The correct one: introduce a separate table specifically for the per sprint, per user level of data (i.e. each row holds a summary for one user and one sprint). Cons: you’ll have to ensure that this table always lists all combinations of people and sprints, i.e. have some logic that would add missing rows, e.g. a button to click once in a while. Pros: you’ll have a fully usable data table that you can further calculate on without jumping through hoops.

The quick one: just make a view on your original table where you group on the left on sprint and on users. Set up the view to show a summary for the effort column as “Sum”. Collapse all groups — now you have a view that lists all the sums for unique sprint-user combinations (grouping takes care of that):
^ imagine those are sprints

Pros: no formulas to write. Cons: cannot copy-paste this into Sheets etc, and you cannot use these sums in any further formulas. You can only look at it.

The solid one: in your original table for each task determine whether it’s the first occurrence of this sprint and person. Then filter based on that. Pros: no need to maintain a separate table; won’t risk running into inconsistency. Cons: there’s still going to be duplicated data, just hidden. You can further improve the formula to only calculate the sum if it’s the first occurrence, else output blank value. Also keep in mind that calculating whether it’s a “doublon” is a relatively expensive formula and will become increasingly slower as your table of tasks grows, so that’s a con too.

I did this here:

See the doc attached in the first message, page DB Leads, for implementation.

Personally, in your case I’d go with option three unless you expect your table to grow to thousands of tasks over time. In that case you’ll have to resort to stamping (clicking a button to capture values rather than calculating them with a live formula over the whole column) eventually.


P.S. Not dumb at all :slight_smile: A super valid use case with multiple approaches to consider, each with its own pros and cons.