Formula to display one of two images depending on value

I want an green up arrow image to appear if a value is above a calculated number. If the value is below the calculated number, I want a red down arrow to appear.


This seem like it should work, but it always displays the first image, no matter what the number is:


Any suggestions?

Dear @Karen_Labenz , welcome to the Coda Maker Community

My first impression is that the it has to do with the IF statement.
The picture to be displayed if the condition is NOT met is missing in your formula :thinking:

Hi @Karen_Labenz :blush: and Welcome to the Community :partying_face: !

How are your current_qtr_revenue_variance and current_qtr_revenue_projection gathered/calculated ? :blush:

Variance: current_qtr_revenue_actual-current_qtr_revenue_projection

Quarterly revenue: Sum([Revenue By Product].[Q2 2022 Revenue])

Q2 Target Revenue: [Quarterly Revenue Projections].Filter([Target Period]=“Q2 2022”).[Expected Revenue]


Do you know of any way to if/then/else?

Dear @Karen_Labenz,

To be able to support it will be helpful if you shared a copy of your doc.

In case the doc contains confidential information, please replace it with fake records.

Here is the doc: Dashboard sandbox


Dear @Karen_Labenz,

Thanks a lot sharing the doc.
You should compare the target revenue to the actual revenue generated

The difference is only a calculated amount!

I have added two screenshots from both variants for your kind reference.


Thank you so much! I really appreciate the help!

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