Further localization of currencies and numbers


We are still waiting for this feature and Notion has already implemented it, not only that, but they have translated the entire interface.

It’s really frustrating that the app I want to stop using (Notion) has implemented the feature we’ve been asking for for so long in the app I want to use (Coda).

Sadly I’m still unable to use Coda because of this and I’m still using Excel and Notion and keeping an eye on Loop

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Really huge +1 to implement this!



We’ve been shying away from building client-facing dashboards in Coda so far because of this …


+1 for this- I believe especially for accounting purposes this is critical for clarity.



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this is kind a bummer for an aged request since 2018. Hopefully this will be heard soonest as patch small quality-of-life improvement rather than the recent big-thing feature releases. Hopefully for more inclusion of more currencies (Peso philippine, etc) or custom prefix/suffix field.


When this feature will be available? We can simply configure this into the Settings panel.

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+1 for this feature
(I wish I could replace the “,” separator for thousands by a space like we do in France)


Support for using number and date formats in different countries.


It is sad to see that Coda has ignored this subject for 6 years now and has not even commented on it (except for a laconic “No updates” two years ago).


For presenting purposes I usually setup a column with a regexReplace formula to format the currency data properly to brazilian portuguese.
It’s basically a nested regexReplace: it first replaces the comma with a pipe, then the dot with a comma (in PT-BR we use commas to separate the decimals), and lastly replaces back the pipe with a dot (our thousand separator).


Since you replace the original comma to a space, you could use the formula:
RegexReplace(RegexReplace([yourvalue],“\,”," “),”\.“,”,")


Can Coda please let us know what’s the status in this? It’s super annoying and to be honoust unacceptable for some of my customers.


Yes, it´s simple unacceptable, every app system out there , airtable, seatable,… among others have this option of localization and in the case of Coda is a matter or years.
When I need to send reports to the Spanish Public Official Administrations the refused them, change the figure format!, by hand?, please Coda, this is serious.

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Absolute must-have to be able to copy paste fast from other apps like Excel, calculator, etc. using local separators.

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Hello @Al_Chen_Coda !
Would it be possible for you to share Coda criterias to consider a feature ? (Any minimum number of votes ?)

(Not considering this one is so strange to me, I can’t get why you work on other new features without tackling basics (for the rest of the world at least :sweat_smile:) like this one).

I know some workarounds are possible (I added some formulas in my personal custom pack for this), but this is so geeky and boring to be forced to do that in 2024… Trying to convince other french people to go for Coda instead of Notion would be so much easier with that kind of basics available…

Also : Is there any kind of public roadmap we can look at to know what is in the pipe for the next months/year ? That would be really appreciated :+1:

Kind regards

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