Further localization of currencies and numbers

As outlined in the linked support article there are already quite a few localizations in place:

But I think a few more settings would make this pretty much perfect.

For numbers:

  • Choose symbol for the 1000-separator. E.g. comma or space.
  • Choose period or comma for decimals (although I realize this probably messes up the whole formula language with dot-operators…)

For currencies, same as above, but also:

  • Choose if the symbol is before or after the number.
  • Choose if there is a space between the symbol and the number.

As an example of what I (egotistically) want to achieve is the formatting for Swedish Crowns. What I can achieve with the available settings is “kr8,740.85” while the standard localization for Sweden is “8 740,84 kr”.



Maybe a feature similar to Excel’s custom number formats would solve this :smirk:


@shishir This is still a thing! :slight_smile: I think that @Al_Chen’s suggestion about a custom number format is a good and flexible solution…


Absolute must have feature!


Need Pakistani Currency supported i.e. Rs.

Absolutely +1 on this.

In my country a comma is a decimal not a thousands separator. This can lead to severe misunderstandings or even disputes. „Hey, you’re invoice says 2 Euros not 2000, so I’ll only pay 2.“

So it would really improve my sleep if I could reformat 2,000.00 to 2.000,00

+1 from my side.
I really hope that the localization will be developed further soon. First day of the week in “Region” is a nice start. According to the region setting all other localization settings could be derived automatically.

I’m surprised that in this thread, which is now four years old, only two votes have accumulated so far, obviously one from the author and one from me.

As I said in another post: Launched: Coda 3.0 - #26 by Jorge_Pineda_Minguet

"…However, the problem is the format regarding the use of the thousands and decimal separator. There are two widespread formats in the world:

Decimal Separator

A) dot for thousands, comma for decimals. This is what we need

B) comma for thousands, period for decimals. The system that you use.

You can assume that it is a minor problem, but the reality is that it makes all the work in Coda unusable by not being able to send anything that I do in Coda to my clients or suppliers because it is confusing to them.

Imagine if you send a list of measurements and prices to a client or supplier in your country but with the comma and period signs in the opposite way. It wouldn’t be a good idea right? That’s the problem

This has been requested several times:

You can find more information on this matter at Decimal separator - Wikipedia


A large +1 to this!
I’m brazilian and we use dot as thousand separator and comma for decimals and every time I need to print out currency values, as to send data to a customer, I need to run some regex to replace commas to dots, and dots to commas.
It also makes it hard to deal with data imported from external sources, as they come with the brazilian localization and messes up Coda’s logic.


Eager +1 on this from me. This would be a really urgent #wannahave to solve. I am looking into migrating my workspace structure to Coda but I fear this plan might really be derailed by the impossibility of importing existing data (including severals sets of financial data for each project including budgets and financing plans, cost-to-date reports, projections, cash-flow overviews, etc.) properly with the number format we need (a dot for thousands and a comma for decimals)… :confused:

Has anyone otherwise come up with a workaround to implement a custom format for numbers similar to Excel?

This is a very long awaited feature but it seems it is not comming any soon (they know this since 2018!!). In my opinion, they are really understimating this problem and the huge gain in new users they could get if they implement it.

@Al_Chen do you know somthing about this development? Thanks

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I know it’s on the roadmap but unfortunately I don’t know about the timing :frowning:


@Al_Chen_Coda any update on the timeline???

Unfortunately no updates on the timeline :pensive:

For number (and text) formatting, you have the Format() formula.

But it won’t save your numbers from breaking on importing.
To work around this, I setup a column with a RegexReplace() formula, to remove dots and replace commas to dot.

Looks like this:

What it does is search all the dots and remove, then search all the commas and change to dots. Make this and use this column to perform your calculations.

Hope it helps you out!


Is implementing this so hard that you’ve been trying for years and have not achieved it yet, or are you simply not trying? You’d think that for a database/spreadsheet tool, supporting multiple number formats would be the top priority…
Coda advertises itself as a tool that will help you do less work by centralizing and automating things. And yet, while it has saved me a lot of work in some areas, it has also created more work for me:

  1. Download table as CSV
  2. Find and replace “,” with “”
  3. Find and replace “.” with “,”
  4. Save as xlsx

I think the same. I have been asking for the same thing for years and it doesn’t seem like they are ever going to implement it. I honestly think it’s a mistake on the team’s part. Coda is better than a spreadsheet in almost everything and it was that way practically from day one. However, new cool functions have been added that I will never really be able to enjoy, use or discover if I can’t even use Coda because it doesn’t support the number format that half of the world’s population works with.

In the end, I end up using a spreadsheet because I can format the data in the format I use and because then I can print those tables and give them to anyone in my environment who will understand them perfectly.

In summary, and making a comparison with a car, they are offering me a beautiful, powerful and modern car in all its aspects but the steering wheel is a stick. In the end, if entering instructions or data is tedious, the tool ends up not being used.

I don’t know if it’s very complicated or not to implement, but in Notion at least when you write numbers in another format it automatically converts them to the supported format.


I can absolutely agree with that. It seems to be the basic strategy that Coda doesn’t want to have anything to do with internationalization and localization. This is a great pity and certainly limits the spread of Coda.


@Al_Chen_Coda any updates…?

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Still here, still have this issue :broken_heart: