Google Calendar Events and Gmail Invites

I took some time to do a deep dive into our Google Calendar Pack after being asked some questions about event and meeting management. Being able to send a custom invite email, add attendees after creating the event, and managing RSVP lists were all requirements for a full featured solution.

This solution is a single table, but I split like items into views to better show each function.

Feedback is always welcome!


Hi, I am experiencing a strange behaviour in the CreateEvent formula of Google Calendar Pack.
I have set up a button that pulls all the data needed from the related table and it correctly creates the event for in my Google Calendar. The problem is that even if i use the right email address of the attendees the invite for the first creation of the event mail/notification isn’t recieved by the recipient. If I delete or update the event the mail notification is correctly sent the the invitees. Also the Event table pack event if i sync it doesn’t pull correctly the events from my google calendar. Any suggestion?

Hi @GiacomoPasini,

Are you talking about the Gmail Invite that is set up with the Gmail Pack in this template or are you referring to a Google Calendar generated email? I don’t believe the pack will trigger an invite email from Google Calendar.

I am talking about the Gmail Invite. I have the event in my calendar but i have tried to add as invitee my wife and she doesn’t recieve the invite. She only recieve update/delete events in notification. I pull the mail address from my google contacts pack table. Also when i use the Google Calendar pack with the Event table that should sync with my google calendar it doesn’t pull any event even if it’s in my calendar.

If you want to write into Coda Support, you can ask them to route the ticket to me and I can check out your doc there.

One thing that is worth checking is the “Emailed Invite” column and making sure it’s empty if you’re trying to create an event on that row again. If someone is listed in that column, they won’t get an email again. This logs who has already received an email so you can add people after and not bombard the first ones repeated emails.

Thank you Ben. Where do I find the Coda support? Please notice that to create the event in gCal I use a button with the formula AddEvent. I would really appreciate your help in solving this issue.

You can click on the “?” icon at the bottom right of any Coda doc or Coda account page. That will start a conversation with our Support Team.

Hi @BenLee , thanks for this amazing template!

I´m trying to figure out a way to add attendees manually as well.
I want to invite people outside my organization.
When creating an event I can select members of my team by using the Team Members column dropdown, but I need to invite clients using their email. I´ve made another column to insert those emails, but I couldn´t make a formula to merge the Team Members and Clients columns that worked in the Attendees field of Calendar Pack.
Is there any way to make this work?

Thanks in advance

Hi @Marcio_Assencio_Araujo,

I’m glad you’re liking the template! I jumped into your doc and created a “Contacts” table. I might try using this instead of the people column type for emails. You can just make that column a lookup to this table instead and then you can have anyone you need listed.

I haven’t changed formulas in places yet, but let me know if you have questions there too and I can see about editing some of those too.

Hi @BenLee , thanks for you attention.

I also have tried this approach, but in a daily use, I think we need something more flexible. Of course that this solution is very nice for regular clients and the team., but in many cases, we schedule meetings with business partners, prospects, many of them just once. And adding every one of these contacts to a table previously seems like an extra work.
It would be perfect to have two columns: one pulling from a lookup and the other as a space where we could put one or more emails that we don´t use regularly. And then merging (or concatenating) in a third column that the Calendar could use.
Don´t know if its possible, but it would simplify our process a lot.
thanks again

Okay, I’ve added an additional column to your doc that has a formula that will combine all email addresses. It’s a little complex because we have to split the email list into a definite list where each item is treated as it’s own and then trim any extra spaces.

  thisRow.[Team members].Email,

There are other parts of the template that you might need to adjust to have this log who was already sent an invite, but this will give you the list of emails between people added and extras added.

Hi @BenLee , it works like I was expecting!!
Now I´m going to do some reverse engineering to understand your formula. :wink:

Thank you very much!

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Hey @BenLee, do you still have that doc you linked at the beginning of this thread? The link is no longer active for me. I’m trying to setup a way send out meeting invites, add attendees after it’s already created, and track RSVPs…having a hard time getting it all to work properly though.
Any help would be great! thanks

Sorry about that, I just fixed it so you should be good to go now.

Thanks for mentioning it!

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I finally got this working, and super excited to not need to do a ton of manual invites.
I however got an error after only sending a handful of my 56: Your monthly quota of Google Calendar actions has been exceeded. Show table options

Can I reset this or increase it somehow? Or is that from Google Calendar itself? :frowning:

You might be on Coda’s Free Plan and that’s why you’re seeing this. From our Google Calendar Pack page.

On the Free tier, this Pack is limited to manual data refresh and 20 button actions. Upgrade to Pro tier to get hourly refreshes and unlimited button actions.

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Hi! Just started using this pack and I had a question about automating the creation of a new row in the “Add Event Info” table.

I use a Daily Planner as a table in calendar view every morning to plan my day. I am trying to now set up an automation that references the other table and when I add a new event there, to create a new row on the “Add Event Info” table and also trigger the “Create Event” button. On my other table where I plan out my day, I have a title, start time and end time for the event and I want to copy these parameters to the “Add Event Info” table automatically so now I can have my actual Google Calendar blocked off for the same time periods as my coda planner.

Do you know if this is possible?


Hi similar but different issue how do I pull attendees emails out of the pack? I can do attendees but it ports information over weirdly were I just want their emails listed.

Hi. Great template. Saved a lot of brainstorm and time also.

How can I delete the past events added to my GCal? I mean, I have a lot of classes going on and I want to organize them in my GCal. But if ALL added events keep appearing in the page sooner the doc will be huge.

Any idea?
