Grouping in detail view?

Is there any way to group a table in detail view, so that you can navigate it primarily by reference to the name of a parent row? If there is, I can’t find it XD

All I figured out how to do was create a view with a different display column, but that just displays that column repeated; it doesn’t look nice at all.

As far as I know you cant use grouping with a Detail view for a table.

Are you still looking for a way to do this? If so, I might be able to help.


can you share your solution with the community?


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Of course. I will do this as soon as I can…but it might be a few days.

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I thought I had something to contribute here…but in retrospect, I don’t think I do. I will share that I use groups to filter the latest entry for a product…so the groups on the left are Entry Date and then Product Name. With the help of Codans, I figured out a way to have another column labelled as the newest/latest entry for each product as Latest, and then I filter that as the top group. This means I can see the latest entry on the left and all the rest of the entries to the right, and I can just arrow down from latest entry for a product (or in my case, stock symbol) to the next product’s latest entry to the next product’s latest entry. FWIW, I also use Keyboard Maestro and Voice Controls on a Mac so I don’t actually use the arrow key but just say “Next”, “Next”, “Next” to move down the list. I think you can apply the grouping and filtering in detail view…but I am not sure that actually solves the original problem posed by @Alexis_Hunt.

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