Help with Pre-Filtered data from Relation Table

I have a table called Project which has display column as Project Number.
I have a table called Main Equipment where the Project column has a relation with the Project Number of the Project table.

Now, I have created a table called Item List. What I want to do is have a column from where I can choose the Project Number and another column which will only show Equipment of that particular Project Number.

Table: Project
Project Number

Table: Equipment
Equipment Name | Project (taken from Project Table)
Heater | 3230
Pump | 3229
Motor | 3229

So in the Item List, if I create an Item called Pad Plate and choose Project as 3229, in the Main Equipment would show Pump and Motor and not Heater.

Hope I was able to explain my query.


Hi @Transtech_Collab and welcome to the Coda Community!

It’s much easier for me and others to help you if you share your doc with us. We can take a look into the formulas and everyone can make a copy of the document so we don’t get in the way of each other.

Please follow this guide to share your doc with us:


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Hi Jannis, thanks for your reply. I haven’t really created any formulae or data. I am just in the design phase and trying things out with sample data.
Thus, shared example with some sample data in my query.

Hi @Transtech_Collab,

sorry for the late reply.
I followed your intention and created something that is probably easier to use than the initial idea you had.
Please check if that fits your use case:

Please let me know if you need any more help.



Please let me know if this solved your issue so we can move forward and mark this issue as resolved.


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