Sorry, stupid question, but I see multiple postings where people are showing very brief screen recordings to illustrate their points. I would love to do this but am not sure how. Is there a built-in screen recording app in Coda? What is everyone using to do these?
I’m currently using recordIt ( and I’m very happy with it because it is fast and easy, but the free version does not allow many frames.
If you have Windows 10, you can press Win + G to open the default screen recorder. If you want a desktop recorder, maybe you can give Joyoshare VidiKit a shot. It’s my favorite. I often use it to record streaming movies in 1080p. No latency and no watermark.
There are simpler workflows but I stick with OBS because I use it for more things, e.g. recording Coda screencasts and livestreams, and not just recording screen snippets. It’s a geeky application, so some basic knowledge about encoders would be helpful. Both are free though.
Once you have that screen recording downloaded, you can convert it to a gif with this script (if you’re into that sort of thing). Not sure it works on Windows. Requires that you’ve downloaded ffmpeg and imagemagick, which I downloaded with homebrew.
Script is:
makeGif () {
if [ -z $1 ]
echo "makeGif inputVideo [outputGif]"
return 244
if [ -z $2 ]
outputVideo=$(echo "$vid" | sed -E 's+\.[^.]*$++g').gif
ffmpeg -i "$vid" -vf scale=720:-1 -r 10 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm - | convert -delay 10 -loop 0 - gif:- | convert -layers Optimize - "$outputVideo"
makeGif ScreenRecording.gif
It will take a while, but the advantage is that you don’t run into the size limitations you find on free sites (though looks nice!)
I use Snagit (paid) by TechSmith, makers of Camtasia. It allows for adding text, shapes and other markup to screen captures or recording, which is very handy for team presentations or sending out images or gifs to help people do something.