How can I enable the Timeline feature

Timeline feature referenced here: Launched: New features to make your project trackers pop

Thank you!

Hi @Kevin_Raheja and Welcome to the Community :partying_face: !

To create a Timeline/Gantt Chart, you can either use the /Slash Command menu by typing something like /time on the canvas where you wish to see your Timeline/Gantt Chart appear and select Timeline in the menu …

Coda will suggest you to either create a connected view of an existing table or a brand new table :blush:

Or you can find the option in the Options(:sweat_smile: ) of a table/connected view, then in More you’ll find Timeline :blush:

And once there, you’ll be able to configure your “Timeline”/Gantt Chart as desired :blush:

Note that for the “Timeline”/Gantt Chart display to work as expected, you would need to have a table/view with either a start date (or date/time) and an end date (or date/time) or a start date (or date/time) and a duration for each event you want to display in the “Timeline”/Gantt Chart :blush: (An optional dependency field can be added too)

Hope this helps :blush:

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