How can I get uploaded images to carry over from CODA >>> JIRA using formulas?

Hi we made a form that creates a JIRA card from a CODA

Where we are stuck is getting the column where someone can upload an image or “Screenshots” to copy over to the JIRA card that is created.
We can get it to display the image file name, but that isn’t useful.

here’s our formula with some redactions:
Jira::CreateIssue([Jira - xxxxxxxxxxx], "XXXXXXXXXX", "Bug", Detail.[Issue Title], concatenate( Detail.Description, Character(10), Character(10), "Steps to reproduce: ", Character(10), Detail.[STEPS TO REPRODUCE], Character(10), Character(10), "Reported By: ", Detail.[REPORTER (YOUR NAME)], Character(10), Character(10), "Affected devices: ", Detail.[AFFECTED DEVICES/BROWSERS], Character(10), Character(10))+ Detail.SCREENSHOTS)

Does anyone have experience with this and advice on how to make it work?

Dear @Jackie_Saporito,

Just to make clear, I am not using Jira for the moment, so hopeful I am not confusing you.

Looks like that the Jira Pack in Coda doesn’t do what you expect, did you consider to check Zapier or Integromat if they can do the job for you?

Hi Jean.
Thank you for your reply. We would like to get it to work with the tools we have available before incorporating another at this time. Getting the photo to carry over from CODA to JIRA is the one missing link in the format we have so far, so I’m reaching out to see if anyone knows of something that I haven’t tried using coda formulas.
When we feel we’ve exhausted all possibilities, I’ll be sure to give those a try though