How can I search a select picklist by text? Returning "false" when text is there


I have a pretty simple select (at least I think I do) and has “Manager” selected as well as other values. Please see below in the screenshot. I am just wondering why I get TRUE when only “Manager” is selected vs getting FALSE when “Manager” and something else is selected.

Link is here if you want to play around with it!

I added a new column for you called Contains.

You need to check “Does Role contain Manager?”


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Got it, I was thinking I could do it by text since toText, to me, would work just the same.

Can I get the idea behind this? I can only compare row values to other row values?

I got it, it works with this formula as well!


Thank you for the help!

So your solution works, but two things…

  • You’re adding an unnecessary column and formula

  • Using text match is less accurate. If you add a role like “senior manager,” then that will match as well.

In the column I added, it will ONLY match “manager.” That is the recommended solution when you are comparing to a select list column.

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