How to display a class timetable in a calendar view

I’ve been trying to create a class timetable app which displays classes in a calendar view of a table.


I’ve currently got the following table structure in Coda:

Untitled Diagram

  1. Day is where I store the number of days the timetable runs over. (It’s for a school which has a 10 day timetable - meaning that it repeats every fortnight.)
  2. Period is for each timeslot in a Day when a class can be held
  3. Subject is the list of subjects that can be taught in a given Period
  4. Class is a junction of Day, Period and Subject
  5. Timetable is a junction of Date and Day


I’m after a way to make Classes appear in a calendar. I’ve been trying to pull them into the Timetable table, but I can’t get it to work.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

@Andrew_Davis1 hey Andrew! It would be helpful if you created an example doc and shared it. Currently there needs to be an existing record for it to show on the calendar so you can’t just have it project out all classes to infinity. The way to handle this might be to have another table ‘Classes’ or ‘Upcomming Classes’ that has a record for each class. Add a fortnight’s worth of classes to the table, and then use this table as the calendar. Then have an automation that every week presses a button that adds rows to your calendar table proportionally into the future. So you could add a year’s worth in advance, or just a week, or whatever makes sense. Good luck!

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Hi @Johg_Ananda

Thanks for your post, and apologies for the delayed response. Hopefully the below provides the necessary context:

Kind regards, Andrew

Hey @Andrew_Davis1 this helps. A few things:

  1. Put all of your ‘Data’ tables in a folder called 'Data" and then give each table its own section. It makes it much eaiser for someone like me to debug.
  2. Make sure you name everything. For example your top table in ‘Timetable’ section is named ‘Table’ which makes it hard for someone else to know exactly what you are trying to do with that table/view.
  3. Can you create a mockup/wireframe of the output calednar you’re looking for? You have a calendar so I’m not sure what is missing.


Dear @Andrew_Davis1,

This webinar is a good reference point.

Of course as @Johg_Ananda mentioned your expectations on the outcome are most important to know to be able to give you proper support.