How to make progress tracker based off checklist?

Hello! New to Coda and lots still to figure out.

Trying to create a system to QA a work process. I figure using a checklist would be easiest as staff go through the process. Is there a way to have the progress tracker update for each row as we go through the checklist? How do I create a formula for this?

Thanks so much!

Hi @Isabella_Yon and welcome to the Coda Community!

Can you share your doc and describe in more detail what exactly you are trying to achieve?

Best regards

A shared document would be great, but it sounds like maybe what you’re trying to do is something like this?

P.S. If some other wonderful Community member would explain why having hidden pages with your main tables on them and public-facing pages with views is a good idea, that’d be lovely…I’m out of time to work on this, haha.

  1. Once you get to more than a handful of tables, it is great to have all your tables in a specific area, so that you don’t have to search through your doc for where your tables are, as opposed to your views.
  2. Generally you want to have your table to be the base of your views - E.g. specific sort sequence, starting column sequence, conditional formatting, etc. These can then feed through to your views.
  3. You make them hidden, because you do not want users (including yourself) inadvertently making changes.
  4. Certain summarisations work differently on views compared to table. In views the filters are taken into account, on tables not. Which is also a good reason to pre-fix your tables with an identifier like db.

But it’s just a ramble, :wink:
Rambling Pete

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