How to see a changelog

Our company is growing and we would like to be able to see a changelog of all the changes the users are doing in the documents (where someone has permission to see), as we use Coda as a wiki as well.


  • It helps everyone be aware of what others are doing and helps discover new stuff that is posted in coda
  • It helps the managers make sure no-one is breaking stuff or writing things in not the best way

Is there any place to see that centralized?


Hi @Adria,

Perhaps you know it: currently you do have it at a document level snapshot

I don’t know Coda’s plan for a centralised history at a workspace level.

Dear @Federico_Stefanato,

A shortcoming of the version history is that you can’t actually see what updates have been executed.
It’s only good to go back till a certain moment in time.


True, @Jean_Pierre_Traets.
I realised that we are talking from a content perspective… :roll_eyes:

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There is activity log per table row, but that’s all there is.


yes, but this is only for table rows. We have very few tables. Also it’s impossible to see an overall picture of all document changes :weary:

+1 to that, would be great to have an ability to see an overall picture. What changes are done across all the pages


Yes, when you have a team working remotely its helpful to see what changes have been made in one window. Im surprised this is not here.

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+1 Not being able to see what’s changed, or to propose suggestions, makes it difficult to collaborate on a page asynchronously. Our team has had to revert to Google Docs on multiple occasions due to these essential collaboration features.

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Would love to be able to create a Changelog at the individual table level and not have it buried within “Activity” at the row level. Incredibly useful for any sort of project manager coordinating teams.

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i setup a column on major tables called Modified, set to the date/time last modified.

then on a hidden page i have views sorted by Modified decending so i can see ar a glance whats been changed.

optionally you can have a column for ChangedBy showing the user who made the change.

these are under “properties” in the drop-down menu for column-type.


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