View history per page

Currently the history page shows the history for an entire document which is very hard to navigate when attempting to find modifications to a specific page.


This, plus a diff view to see what had actually changed.


Make that a diff view that actually diffs.

I mostly bring it up because I saw an implementation on a competitor that just marked the entire text as diffed. And the task view activity log currently shows the change in the form of the column changed, along with it’s new value. This is less than ideal to see what got changed on per example a long text column.

Right now having the version history for the whole document makes it hard to find the version you are looking for. We have more than 10 users on a document with more than 15 pages. It would be really nice if we could see the version history for each page.


This could be so helpful. Right know my team and I have a lot of pages changing every day. When we want to know who wrote something we have to go through hundreds of entries of my colleagues to know who did that change and when. I really hope this change


+1 for this feature! Right now the version history per doc is pretty useless. We’ve had two cases so far when we needed to revert to a previous version of a page and it was really really hard to find out when that change was made and what the change was.


Being able to see what pages changed in the version history would make it easier to collaborate on guides, shared notes, and other written docs that are organized into pages. We have a few process guides that have 10-25 pages and subpages, each one nicely broken up for easy reading and reference.

Coda makes this easy to set up, but then it’s very hard to do occasional catchup on, review of, of or sanity checking of updates that have been made by other team members. Currently there’s no way to tell what changes were made, or even where they were made. This pushes teams to want to lock docs and make them comment-only just so they can tell what’s being changed, even though it would be better and more effective if folks could collaborate right in the doc.

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+1 for this feature!!! We have multiple teams working across multiple pages, it is really hard to see/track/review what new changes were added.

+1 for this! We use coda as our wiki and this would be fundamental for us. Any idea when this would be available or if it is being considered?

+1 for this - would be so helpful if version history were page specific rather than over the entire document.

+1 for this. Version history for pages and subpages in documents would help out a lot.

+1 for this feature :+1:

We use the following formula thisDocument.Modified() to keep track of modifications in our documents, and being able to use it on page level, so a formula like thisPage.Modified() would really help.

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This is a good suggestion, I’ll be sure to relay it to the team. Thanks!


Update from the Coda team: We don’t have plans to launch this near term, but the Coda’s new editor would make this feature more feasible.

Side note: If you’re interested a sneak peek at upcoming features, Coda’s Block Party is on Oct 6th. Registration is now open.

Update on this? As our company is primarily remote, and in hyper-growth mode, this feature is becoming more and more imperative.

If there is a way to get a similar functionality with the editor please link for reference.

Thanks in advance.

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@steph if you are not planning to launch this feature soon, do you have any idea for a workaround that you could share?

I want this so bad, it’s one of the main blockers to stop relying on GSuite.

It is very similar to the Find diff between two version of same Coda document

+1 still need this feature
we have a very large doc which makes it infeasible to check the history of a certain page

Really need this feature.
We have several designers working on the same doc, some of them work remotely, and it’s important to find who makes the change fast…

I’ll add my vote for this feature. I was surprised by how little value the revision history provides for larger documents. You can currently see who made changes and when, but you cannot see what was changed. For maintaining a large doc between several people, it is essential to be able to hone in on the changes that were made.

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