How to setup this student grading system?

Hi all!

I’m trying to setup my grading system to be in coda instead of excel and I’m having some trouble. I can’t figure out the best way to display all this layered data, other than having each doc be a term and each page be a subject (where the table is filtered by that subject). Below is my old system in excell, and I’ve noted the names for each data set in coda.

Here is the coda page where I’m just trying to figure out how to set up the data:

Ultimately I want to calculate the averages for each component, and subcategory, and those averages should add up, based on how much they count towards the final grade (aka their weight), to give the final mark.

Any help would be much appreciated! <3

Hi Willem,

Welcome to Coda, and to the community!! Hope you will enjoy your Coda journey.

What I see is that you have a list of Assessments, and a list of students, and you need a score for each student for each assessment.

My suggestion is as follows:

  1. Have a table of assessments, and their hierarchy structure, as below:

  2. Have a table of students, where you have a relations column to the assessment types:
    For each assessment, Coda shows the component/ Sub category etc in this table.

  3. You can use the below to capture assessment scores:
    As soon as you enter a new row by clicking on the “+”, it will populate the assessment in the filter. You can then select the student name from the drop down list.

  4. I have created two views, one per student, the other per assessment:

Everything is now in a large pivot table, so you can group, filter and switch as needed.

  1. You can use conditional formatting to colour the grades:

  2. You can also group along the top, but I do not particularly like that layout.

  3. You included a notes and a check box column. I was not certain at which level those were - for assessments or for students. If you want to store additional info for each individual student, you can also change the student column into a relations column. (Start by making the column a select list, then go “edit → column” - create table.

But, it’s just a ramble,
Rambling Pete

BTW, thanks for the demo doc, it makes it sooo much easier to help

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