How to use button to change value of one cell to the next one?

Hi community members, I am not sure if anyone has done this using coda.

I have created workflow using coda kanban grouped by status column - To do, In Progress, Review and Completed. Since editing form field access to page also gives them access to delete the row from everywhere, I was thinking of providing a button, which will move card to next stage and other button to move previous stage.

Has anyone solve similar issue using coda? I have been researching on formulas but couldn’t find a way to make it work.

Your help will be really appreciated.

Hi @Amit_Ranjitkar ,

welcome to the coda community! :partying_face:

Sure, take a look at this template:


Thanks a lot @M_Schneider. This has solved the issue. Becoming fan of coda and its supportive community.