Hyperlinks inside slack message

I’ve got a table of employees and I’d like to send two links via slack pack. I’ve got a “people” column which propagates names from Slack. I was able to configure a “send email button” that sends out the hyperlinks just fine -

Concatenate(Hyperlink(thisRow.[Report Link],“Here is your report form link”)," - ",Hyperlink(thisRow.[Rubric Link],“and here is a link to the rating rubric”))

However when I try this formula in the Slack Post Message Button, I receive the text description but loose the link. I’ve tried using <url | text>…

<thisRow.[Report Link]|Here is your report link>, thisRow.People.Email

…but I get the message “formula issue - We don’t know how to handle parts of this formula”

I’ve reviewed Formatting text for app surfaces | Slack but still can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong.

Hey Dustin, thanks for reaching out!

The Hyperlink() formula doesn’t work for Slack, but you are on the right track! You’ll want to use Slack’s URL notation instead within a string format (e.g. Using Concatenate() or Format() to string text together): <URL|Text>.

More on this here: Slack Text Styling and @Mentioning · Slack Text Styling and @Mentioning in Coda.

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Concatenate(<Employee Star Rating Rubric | Here yo Link >,<Employee Star Rating Rubric | Here is your second link>)

Still getting this back from Coda “Formula Issue”

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