I'm stumped: Lookup issue

I have a table, and doing a lookup for a column that’s a number. Works great on every row except one, where I am getting a lookup value that is not one number, but two numbers separated by a comma.

I cannot see any reason why the data in the Lookup Table would give me two values, anyone ever have this happen and maybe can offer a solution?

17 is the correct value from the Lookup Table, I cannot figure out where the 8 is coming from!

I included the second row with the -68 value below just to show that the Lookup is working on all other rows.

09.26.21 18.59.11

And here’s my formula for the Lookup:

Thanks for any help you can offer!


Hey there!

I think it just means you have two rows that meet that specific criteria in this instance.

Erase the last dot operator from your formula and it should return two row values (rather than the current two duration values)

You could then expand those rows to locate them and see what’s going on/why two rows are meeting that specific filter criteria.

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Thank you!
To be honest, I have no idea why what I did worked, but it did.
Instead of removing the last dot operator, I removed both the dot operator and [split-today]…that gave me two row values, as you said, and I deleted one.
Thank you again!!