Improving Pack Sync Table Refresh Times

Hey community,

What have you seen work in improving Coda’s display of data in a sync table?

We’ve got a table with 37 columns and 1,000 records taking over a minute to refresh.

In the console log we’ve confirmed the data is returned from the API in 1,000ms, but it still takes Coda another minute or more to display the data.

We’ve tried:

  • Caching (including forced caching), but the documentation seems to indicate this doesn’t apply for the RefreshTable() formula
  • Pagination, but we’ve confirmed Coda doesn’t start to display the data until all continuations have completed

Anything else we can do?


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Hey @Brian_Sowards ! Thanks for reaching out. While this is not possible at this time, this sounds like a feature request the Coda team has been tracking to improve Pack Sync Table refresh times. That said, we have moved this post into the Suggestion Box for other members of the Community to chime in on this. We’ve gone ahead and tracked your vote for this feature formally.

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Thanks Shaina, appreciate that!

A 50% to 60% improvement in performance would dramatically improve the user experience. Today it’s common to wait a full minute for a table refresh, even if it is small.