Insert a picture into a table cell from the camera

I do inspections and i take pictures of what I`m inspecting, i use a surface go, is there a way to insert pictures from the camera (take the picture) into the cell?

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Dear @Pablo_Briones,

According my knowledge this is not possible at this moment.
You will just have to add them from the folder where you store the pictures.

:bulb:Feel free to add this request in the suggestion box, when there is enough demand the Codans will pick it up and implement over time :hammer_and_wrench:

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On Windows I would set up Camera app to save photos to specific folder inside Dropbox. And then Iā€™d sync Dropbox with Coda using Integromat.


Can you add a table with an Image format column? I do not have a surface but this should work there. You will see a + option in the column and clicking on it will ask if you want to use your camera.

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