Is it possible to Number rows in a group?

Context: I need to give people a label in the table below based on their order and whether they are Original purchasers (OP) or Assignee’s.

Put simply, Under each unit group OP and Assignee should be labeled 1-n^th person in order.

The Reference table below the original shows the roughly result I’m looking to achieve.

All Ideas are welcome, but be advised the actual data set Is huge and will burn through AI credits way too quickly to use it effectively.

hi @Thomas_Gragtmans ,

I gave an idea in the doc, but I am afraid that my idea is not a very good one although it outputs the results you want. This kind of work is normally preceded by a data analysis that puts data already in order and when that is done you can apply simple fiters instead of working with a SwitchIf() like I did (kind of duct tape). This is it for now, good luck with the restructing of your data.

thisTable.Filter(UNIT.Contains(thisRow.UNIT) and PoO.Contains(Assignment)).Find(thisRow),
thisRow.PoO.Contains([Original Purchaser]),
thisTable.Filter(UNIT.Contains(thisRow.UNIT) and PoO.Contains([Original Purchaser])).Find(thisRow))

Cheers, Christiaan


Hello @Thomas_Gragtmans ,

Just like Christiaan I think the table structure is not ideal. For me it is not clear why Thomas gets #1, Mahk gets #2, etc. I think it is based on the sequence of entry - for which I used rowID, since it is pretty reliable to establish the sequence of entries. But you can use different criteria, like a list of names sorted in alphabetical order or whichever you would like.

I added my formula to match the manually entered numbers in your assignee column.

Enjoy and hopefully learn from our different approaches.

Greetings, Joost

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Hi @Christiaan_Huizer and @joost_mineur, Thank you this is exactly what I needed!

Much to your point this is a retro fit of data that was initially kept (Poorly) in an excel. But as a result I have some 1600 names I need to catalogue so doing them individually was a tough pill to swallow. Thank you both for the input!

Also The order is just Important because it determines the order of some legal processes.

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