Hi, I have been facing many issues with cross-docs, and would appreciate some help.
I have one doc called Master DBs, where I want to store all the source tables with limited access to people in my organization. I want to create 3 other docs that will contain different filtered, synced views of the source table. However there are many bugs that have risen after doing this.
- A public view of one of the source tables that is currently in the Master DB doc, keeps showing the error “Failed to get cross doc table metadata”
- Forms that are supposed to update the source doc take longer to load/crash.
- Tables take a long time to sync, especially as they get larger.
Additionally, looks like the cross-doc table limit is 10,000. This is going to be a problem as our DBs get larger. At this point, we are already at 2100 on one of our DBs.
Any guidance for this?