Launched: Copy page links with personal controls and filters

Ever wanted to share a link to a dashboard or table and have your teammate see exactly what you are seeing? Us too.

Copy link with values

Now you can copy a link to a page while maintaining its existing filters and personal controls. For example, if you’re sharing your department’s task list and use the filter bar to show only your team’s completed tasks this quarter, you can share the page with these controls by clicking the dropdown next to the page title, then “copy link with values.” Anyone you share the link with will then see the same information in the table, ensuring you and your teammates stay on the same page.

Ready to try it out?

  • Hover over the page header, and click the dropdown attached to the link icon.
  • Choose “Copy link with values.”
  • Share the link with your team.

Whether in a virtual meeting or quickly sending a message over Slack, it’s now that much easier to get on the same page.


Love this feature, but is it turned on for everyone? I don’t seem to have this option in my docs yet

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THIS IS AMAZING!!! Thank you so much! Is there a way to create the link ourselves using Coda formulas instead of copying and pasting from the header?


A quick reload of the doc… and boom, there it is! Just jumped the gun. Awesome. My team was talking about the need for this just yesterday. Perfect timing!

I was SO MUCH looking forward to this!
An additional ask to make it even more awesome: would it be possible to have a way to programatically obtain the url by defining the filters applied?

Let me illustrate this:
The url of a page containing a dashboard looks like this (adding spaces in "coda . io " to prevent rendering the page):
coda. io /d/Doc_Name_d4JjOnzsxyz/Dashboard_suxDpXyz#_lu5BXyz

The url of that same page containing the filters I want to apply looks like this :
coda . io /d/Doc_Name_d4JjOnzsxyz/Dashboard_suxDpXyz#_lu5BXyz?filterId=flk-96r6CNKiO4

As you can see, there is a parameter called filterID added to the url (filterId=flk-96r6CNKiO4) that probably tells Coda to look up the set of controls and filter values to apply. What would be really cool is to be able to determine what that filterID is (or to create one) for a given set of controls and filters using a button or a formula so I can build the URL by concatenating the page url and the parameter part of the url. :slight_smile:


New year, many new improvements. Thank you so much, this has been on my wishlist as well!

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Wonderful feature, but is it necessary to show the “Personal filters updated from link” when opening the ? It’s rather confusing for the people I’m sharing with, as that message means nothing to them.

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