Launched: Lever Pack [TEAM]

We’ve added a new Lever pack in the Team tier for those looking to sync in their recruitment process. Let us know how you’re using it and if you have any feedback :slight_smile:.


Works well for postings.

But for candidates, it seems like it gets all the data and THEN applies the filters!! That hits the 10k limit etc.

For example we’d like to add table of recently hired candidates (so created last 3 months and stage containers “offer”). This should be like 30 candidates… instead Coda syncs 10k and filters out and of course then luck of the draw and it misses out all the relevant data (pulling in 0 hired candidates right now).

Am I not using it right or misunderstanding something? why isn’t the filtering being applied to the Lever API directly?!

Per above can you share an example of a working candidate list say for all “hired” candidates only (imagine Lever has 50k candidates in total but 100 hired). Tx.

I’m having the same issue.