Local coda meetups

As I’m sharing coda docs with more and more people I start to get questions if I could show them the inner workings of these real-life examples or how I implement them with our workflows and sync them with other tools we use. I’m always excited to share my experiences of coda and happy to brainstorm with others about how could it be useful for their specific use cases but the one-on-one format may not be the most effective way to do this.

So I was thinking to do a local meetup and invite anyone who is interested in to learn more about coda and also willing to share their experience with others. I think of it more like a peer-to-peer study group or a show and tell format since everyone is just starting off. Just like a real-life format of this forum :slight_smile:

I’ve seen there are NYC meetups organized by the coda team. Are there any other local meetup groups out there? I’d love to learn more about your thoughts and the best practices you may have :wink:

Make a coda for meetups!

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