I actually have two issues. First is it possible to populate a table column to directly match another table’s column. For example have a list of names in two places, but if one list changes so does the other (preferably one way)?
Second I am trying to do a lookup on a table where the search column is itself a lookup column, is that possible?
Piet, thanks for getting back to me and trying to help!
I was hoping for a bit of a cleaner method since it is just a 1-1 sync. Worried I’ll miss some logic in the automation etc but I guess I’ll take what I can get.
I am trying to get information into Table 3 that is in Table 2 (Display Column = Lookup from Table 2) but not Table 1 (Primary/Original). I actually ended up getting it to work using =toText when referencing the cell. Just hoping that workaround doesn’t have some ripple effect.
Hey @Vince_Balsamo ! Can you share more context about your two issues (especially your first one). What are you trying to accomplish? There might be more efficient ways to accomplish what you are looking for
Hi Vince,
As far as I know the only drawback of totext() is that it is computationally slow.
Maybe one o the more experienced non-coders could weigh in.