Hi, we have a doc that we’re using for Project ideation—creating Project Charters/Briefs. I have a ‘Projects’ table and a ‘Project x Role’ table that is viewed as a subtable in the Project pop-out, where you can add new People as rows and select their RACI role.
Also on the ‘Projects’ table I have a calculated People column (called “Involved People”) that references rows from the subtable, and strings together a list of unique People that are included in the subtable. It is helpful to see this summary, and nice for using on the filter bar of all Projects.
However I think that this calculated People column is auto-subscribing people to comments for that row, which we don’t want to happen. I noticed that calculated People columns don’t have toggles for turning on/off whether people are “Subscribed to Comments” that are available when People columns are manual selections.
Has anyone else experienced this problem? And is there a way to get rid of the auto-subscription without removing the calculated People column? Unwanted auto-subscription to comments is generally annoying because it floods peoples notifications and it can be unclear who is getting automatically notified.