Making sure people don't get auto-subscribed to row comments when they're in a calculated People column

Hi, we have a doc that we’re using for Project ideation—creating Project Charters/Briefs. I have a ‘Projects’ table and a ‘Project x Role’ table that is viewed as a subtable in the Project pop-out, where you can add new People as rows and select their RACI role.
Also on the ‘Projects’ table I have a calculated People column (called “Involved People”) that references rows from the subtable, and strings together a list of unique People that are included in the subtable. It is helpful to see this summary, and nice for using on the filter bar of all Projects.
However I think that this calculated People column is auto-subscribing people to comments for that row, which we don’t want to happen. I noticed that calculated People columns don’t have toggles for turning on/off whether people are “Subscribed to Comments” that are available when People columns are manual selections.

Has anyone else experienced this problem? And is there a way to get rid of the auto-subscription without removing the calculated People column? Unwanted auto-subscription to comments is generally annoying because it floods peoples notifications and it can be unclear who is getting automatically notified.


Thanks for reaching out here in the Community and opening a message with our Support team. It looks like we’re in the process of tracking this feedback as a feature request for formulaic people columns. That said, I will get this post moved into our Suggestion Box so other Makers can chime in about this.


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Hi @Shaina_Torgerson , any updates on this?

Other makers running into the issue:

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Also curious if there is an update on this issue @Shaina_Torgerson . Thank you in advance for any guidance you can provide.