Memory issue when using Coda with a browser

I checked some of your formulas for the doc you posted and there will definitely be issues with circular references. I would not rely on previous row for any of your formulas and I think everything can be done based on the order of date and time. If you’re looking for a balance, it’s a sum of everything filtered by equal to or less than the date and time of that row.

You can also look at creating a couple more columns to hold some of these values so you don’t have one column running nested If() statements.

I added new lines to one of your formulas to better read it and see what it was doing and it’s quite a bit to ask of one column and references previous rows. So every time the doc is updated in any way, this column needs to not only re-run for every row, but it does it repeatedly because each row is changing every time another row is updated.

  thisRow.Type=[DMonth Settle], 
    thisRow.Account1=[Global Cash] AND thisRow.Account2=[Month Cash], 
    thisRow.[Prev. Row].DMonth-thisRow.Amount, 
      thisRow.Account1=[Month Cash] AND thisRow.Account2=[Global Cash], 
      thisRow.[Prev. Row].DMonth+thisRow.Amount, 
      thisRow.[Prev. Row].DMonth
      thisRow.Account2=[Month Cash], 
      thisRow.[Prev. Row].DMonth+thisRow.Amount, 
        thisRow.Account2=[Global Cash], 
        thisRow.[Prev. Row].DMonth-thisRow.Amount, 
        thisRow.[Prev. Row].DMonth
      (thisRow.Type=[Loan for me] OR thisRow.Type=[Settle on me]) AND thisRow.Account1=[Month Cash], 
      thisRow.[Prev. Row].DMonth+thisRow.Amount, 
        (thisRow.Type=[Loan on me] OR thisRow.Type=[Settle for me]) AND thisRow.Account1=[Month Cash], 
        thisRow.[Prev. Row].DMonth-thisRow.Amount, 
        thisRow.[Prev. Row].DMonth
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I agree!
I’m using Brave solely for Coda right now for about two weeks. The fastest and most memory effective browser right now. For Coda, my order of recommended browsers is from best to worst Brave, Chrome, then Safari.

I still use Safari in other Web browsing, it’s well integrated in Apple eco-system. After Catalina upgrade, its memory performance is very poor. Chrome was the worst in this regard, but has been improved. There is a pending macOS update that I hope to address this issue.

However, I still urge the guys in Coda to have their own app that they become accountable for.

Hi Ben,

Thanks for your responses. I have finished the doc omitting the transaction-by-transaction account update and some other problematic formulas. I used a column for previous row to have one data item to check in every column, but it became an issue.

I’ll return to update my doc and refer to your comments and give feedback.

Thanks again for your help.

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