Money per charge and hour

Hey guys im back. I want to calculate the money that Gabriel earns, with a formula that depends on the position he has, multiply it by the money per hour of that position.

I have this tables

I want to calculate in the last table. Any idea guys?

Hi @Gabriel_Luezas,

Please find in the preview below my attempt to answer your question.

I have had to make some assumptions as I wasn’t sure I was interpreting your needs correctly and some columns are missing from your screenshots.

In the Prueba precio column of the Imputación table I have added this formula.


This essentially tells it to go into the user in the Usuario column (Personas table), then on the person’s row go into the Cargo column (Cargo table) and retrieve the Precio/hora value. This is then multiplied by the number of hours column.

I hope that this helps.

Kind regards


Yooooo thnks so much that works perfectly :slight_smile:

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