Multi-select on @Row

It is extremely helpful to be able to arbitrarily type @Text anywhere on the canvas and instantly get a list of all rows which contain that Text, then choose one and get a nicely formatted hyperlink to the row.

Is there any way to simultaneously select all rows meeting the search criteria?

you mean that there are now three seperate hyperlinks, one to each of the news sources?

@breaking news, @cnn, @fox news ?

Do you need it for anything apart from the hyperlink (e.g. see the details like URL, Comment, Section 1, Section 2)?

What I would want is just the URLs, with the text matched to the name of the link (i.e. just as it is in the URL column).

I know I can get the list I want if I do a table lookup from the canvas. But that just gives me an unformatted list with commas between each URL. I am looking instead for a list with 1 line per hyperlink; can that be done?

And to clarify… right now I can individually choose each line - Breaking new, CNN, Fox News and the hyperlink linke I want will be created. That works well. But sometimes I might want to do this on a much longer list where it is not realistic to manually select each item individually. Is the same function available on a more automated fashion?

The end result would like like this - for any desired number of rows - and each of these an active hyperlink:


Are you able to say how many results will be there max?

Then you could combine the lookup with the nth() formula and do it for n=1, n=2, n=3…

Apart from this I was not able to figure something out

Yes that would work - thanks - is there an example of the syntax for that somewhere?

try something like
Lookup([Misc Resources],URL,“News”).nth(1)
Lookup([Misc Resources],URL,“News”).nth(2)

Now the question is how do we get to replace “News” with a variable. I can have a look later, off to dinner now.

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@Richard_Kaplan you can also use the .bulletedlist() formula on a Table filter in the canvas to display a bulleted list of results vs. a comma-delimited array! Would also use the Find() formula here to search the URL for a specific term (=lookup() is going to function more like a vlookup in excel, matching on the reference to a row or a column value vs. a search term.) Here’s what it might look like:
=[Misc Resources].filter(Find("News", [URL])>0).bulletedlist()


A variant on that works perfectly - i can use filters to finesse the content further. Thanks!

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