Need Help with SSL Configuration for Custom Domain via Cloudflare for CODA Docs

Dear CODA Technical Support / Community Members,

I’ve recently purchased a domain through GoDaddy and have decided to use Cloudflare for enabling HTTPS on my custom domain for Coda Doc (Farid Sabitov). The primary reason for choosing Cloudflare is its cost-effectiveness, particularly its free SSL certificate feature.

Issue Description:

I’m encountering an issue with connecting Cloudflare to my custom Coda Doc. Specifically, I’ve received an Error 525: SSL handshake failed. I’ve made sure to correctly specify all the A records and TEXT records in Cloudflare but still face the issue.

Details and Logs:

  • Domain Registrar: GoDaddy
  • DNS Management: Cloudflare
  • Error Message: Error 525: SSL handshake failed
  • SSL Mode in Cloudflare: Full

Here are the sanitized logs:

Curl Logs:

csharpCopy code

[Removed sensitive info]
Received HTTP/2 525
SSL connection using TLSv1.3 / AEAD-AES256-GCM-SHA384

Traceroute Logs:

scssCopy code

[Removed sensitive info]
12 (  14.948 ms  15.106 ms  18.125 ms

Troubleshooting Steps Taken:

  • Double-checked A records and TEXT records
  • Verified Cloudflare settings including SSL Mode and proxy status

Despite these efforts, the issue persists.


  • Could you please guide me through the steps I might be missing to connect Cloudflare with Coda successfully?
  • Additionally, could you verify if Coda uses custom configurations that might be affecting this setup?

As many people in the community could benefit from free SSL configurations via Cloudflare, a comprehensive guide or clarification on this issue would be greatly valuable for all.

Looking forward to a prompt resolution of this issue.

Best Regards,

Hi @Farid_Sabitov - I must admit I’m not an expert with domain management (DNS, SSL certificates, etc) but as far as I can tell you don’t need to manually setup SSL when you are using Coda’s custom domain feature for published docs. Coda will automatically create and serve a valid certificate from the service Let’s Encrpyt.