New locking options

Hey community,

I just noticed that more granular locking options have been added! :partying_face:

I specially like the possibility to allow users only to edit the rows that they created. I often have to create ‘display’ columns with formulas just copying at the original columns to display them without being editable and with this new option it is not necessary in many cases.

My only issue is that this is bundled together with the permission to add rows. In many cases I do multiple actions upon adding a row, so I would like to disable adding rows while allowing editing only rows the users created.

What do you think?



I still don’t understand why checkbox columns are considered a button! I have a reference table with lots of checkbox columns to indicate whether a law exists or not in a state. I want editors to be able to use buttons on the page but not accidentally click edit a table value. it seems impossible to do!

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This is kind of hacky, but what I sometime do is have a checkbox that enables/disables a button I don’t want people to accidently push. Then just add an action to the button that unchecks the box after the person presses it. You can also disable a button based on user.

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Hm. I think I explained myself poorly. I want the buttons to work (open row, copy link, etc), but I don’t want the checkbox columns of the table to be editable.

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Oh I see. Another hacky solution, make a column that’s just a formula of the actual checkbox. That way people can’t edit it.

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yea that’s my last resort. unfortunately I have like 20 of them. There’s always a hacky solution, but I wish coda had more standard, default features that are more user friendly.


This is fantastic news, Pablo! I’ve been wrestling with various workarounds to achieve similar row-level editing restrictions, and this new feature is a huge step forward. It’s going to save me from a lot of “hacky” solutions, and I’m really excited to streamline my docs. Like you, I’m especially interested in the “edit only created rows” option. I’m also looking forward to the eventual release of table-level permissions/controls – that will be a game-changer!