đź“Ł NEW PACK: Date/Time Magic

I am constantly reusing the same date/time formulas, so I thought it would interesting to make an “uber”-datetime object.

My idea was: “What information can I :tangerine:squeeze out of JUST a single date/time?” (JUST the date/time–not passing in timezone or “Week starting on Monday, etc”)

This pack has a bit of overlap with the Coda date object, but my goal here is to create a mega-date object with a lot of helpful baked in formulas.

For the week formulas, I created one property for each day so you don’t have to remember if Monday is 0 or 1 in your formula :slightly_smiling_face: . . . For example, EndOfWeekSunday means “End of Week Starting with Sunday”

Try it out and let me know if you have any feedback!