I am using a List of names, that range from 1 to 4 in count. For each name I create a heading (text bold, not H1 type). The odd thing is that when I use nth(n) the correct names shows but has a larghe line padding on it so the previuous text (typed not field) and any subsequent text is all out of whack. If I dont use nth(), and therfore the whole list shows, it is fine.
I can convert nth(n).ToText() and that resolves but loses the formatting I have on the text in the list.
I didn’t run into this (AFAIK) and without having more info I’m not sure I could reproduce this …
If you can, could you share the formula you’re using ?
(So we could see what’s going on in there )
As for this :
Instead of ToText() maybe you could use Concatenate() instead… ToText() returns a simple text value (a simple string) whereas Concatenate() returns the rich text value (formatting and so on)
I’ve tried concatonate() and doesnt change issue. The only I can find to get rid of the problem is by converting to text. As said earlier the odd thing is if I don’t use nth() and just show the whole list, it displays correctly. V odd.